After Koli (about which I posted earlier ) , we spent a few days in Helsinki aaaannnd… flew to Reykjavik. Oooohh yeah.
Oddly one of the first photos I have was of us eating soup… soup served inside of a bread. Great stuff and apparently one of the things tourists often do. Not a tourist trap though, it’s worth it.
Reykjavik isn’t very big. Close to the end of the main shopping street we found Harpa, a fancy concert hall. Made almost entirely out of a sort of honeycomb-shaped glass structure, it’s a mighty view. Inside and out.
Reykjavik has some awesome views 🙂This is the altar on the inside of that famous church.
This one.
Strolling around, we also encountered a photography shop. The door was held open with an old camera. Poor thing.
Ooh ooh ooh, there’s an oldschool arcade! Freddy ! Many (if not all) of the machines are running on emulators, but you won’t feel that.
KEX hostel is a pretty well-known, relatively expensive hostel in Reykjavik. We didn’t stay there (slept in my tent) but take some time out for a visit. It’s got a really nice vibe going… one random room was empty and kinda eerie, looking back.
Damn sunsets. Summer in Iceland doesn’t get dark, ofcourse. 🙂