To anyone reading this who’s not my mom (hi mom), normal scheduling returns after this service message:
Me and two of my friends will be driving towards the North cape and back in about 10 days time. Well, us and a few hundred Germans. Part of the competition is to raise money for charity. You can either donate here , click on the picture below to be routed to my Facebook post for more information or do nothing at all. That’s okay too!
Thanks! Regular schedule returns below.
After chilling on the beach in Noosa Heads we, for reasons I can’t even remember, drove to a parking lot a bit further inland.Obviously we weren’t alone. Was that the reason? Did someone know someone? Eh, really no clue. The van parked there was inhabited by a couple of Germans waiting for money to magically appear on their account. They were surviving on rice and walking to the ATM nearby a couple of times a day. #life #backpackerinaustralia #yolo
Whatever the reason, there’s this giant bunny, rabbit, thing. I remember running towards it shortly after I parked just to catch a glimpse of the setting sun.
Aside from that, the only thing that seems to have happened issss.. drinking and socializing.
Oh and I found two people to join me on a hike the next morning. Tip: not this guy. He was way too passed out.
Hike pics here.
2 thoughts on “Kybong Rest Stop, April 2017”